Digital Water Solutions for Your Optimization Needs

We live in a new era of water quality management. Utilities are harnessing the Decision Blue platform to optimize their treatment and leverage their data in new ways.

Digital Water Solutions

Discover the best fit for your water quality management needs. Decision Blue offers tailored solutions built out for your unique utility.

Decision Blue Impact

Decision Blue Dashboard

Our dashboard provides a consolidated view of essential water quality and treatment key performance indicators (KPIs). Stay informed and make data-driven decisions effortlessly.


Elevate your water quality management with multi-objective, forecastable insights including the cost of treatment. Our digital water solution allows multi-chemical, multi-unit treatment process configuration.

Daily Process Report

With automated reporting to your entire team, everyone can monitor the latest water quality status and stay ahead of compliance with daily water forecasts and insights into your treatment. 

Expert Optimization Coaching

Our team brings 100+ years of combined industry experience to your water quality management. Access our office hours and ops support calls for guidance in optimizing water treatment.

Our Proven Optimization Process

Our clients achieve better water quality management and optimization, with this proven process.

01 Update

Update Your Water Treatment Information in Decision Blue

02 Assess

Assess Compliance Risks and Treatment Efficiency

03 Decide

Evaluate Tradeoffs with Chemical Changes, Then Act

04 Optmize

Record Outcome, Reflect on the Process, and Advance

How Optimized is Your Water Quality Treatment?

Assess your plant’s processes, people, and technology to uncover key areas for improvements and efficiency

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